Heather Rome, Formerly of DAI - Characteristics of a Positive Work Environment

As a leader who has had considerable decision-making power while working with international conglomerates, Heather Rome DAI, with experience at DAI and beyond, consistently strives to create a positive impact on work environments. The influencing factors often include the culture of the organization, the physical characteristics of the building, and even the condition of the office equipment, but what ultimately contributes to a company’s positive work environment and resulting business success is quite simply the people and their daily interactions with one another.

Heather Rome DAI
It’s an Open Discussion
It’s very important that an employee feels that they can offer their opinion without being shut-down by others. An employee who feels respected and valued knows that their opinion is important, not only because it is beneficial for the company goals, but also because these human interactions are what create good morale.

Giving and Taking
Hierarchy is a part of the workplace environment, yet collaboration is a two-way street. If the employee works well, they earn respect and financial compensation, and in return, they offer their best on a daily basis. Likewise, when the boss is approachable, they earn the respect and diligence of their team. When there is a mutual respect, everything – including the organization – works better and achieves greater goals.

Throughout her career Heather Rome, formerly of DAI, has created work environments where employees and leaders earned mutual respect by creating open communication, and a strong professional bond between all members of the team. In this type of respectful environment, it is much easier to do well on a daily basis and to meet with more overall success.


Heather Rome, Formerly of DAI - Running Effective Meetings

Heather Rome, formerly of DAI, has seen her fair share of meetings during her professional life, many of which she organizes herself. If you are ever in a position where you have the opportunity to organize a corporate assembly, below are some guidelines.

Heather Rome DAI

Have a Clear Objective

It is very important that everybody in a meeting understand the objective, and for that to happen, the meeting must have a clearly defined purpose. Before you invite attendees, ask yourself what you – and the company – wish to accomplish during the meeting. Once you know your desired goal, build an outline around it, and selectively invite the necessary people to make sure the objective is clearly communicated and understood.

Follow an Agenda

Create a detailed agenda and stick to it. It may help if you itemize the steps, and assign a predetermined number of minutes to the different items on your list. This will help to more accurately estimate their duration and respectfully utilize everyone’s time. Once the detailed agenda is ready, send it to the people who will be present in the meeting to allow them the opportunity to more efficiently prepare for the meeting.

Don’t Let Anybody Steal the Show, So to Speak

Nothing sidetracks a meeting faster than somebody talking too much about something that could be handled in significantly less time. When that happens, it inadvertently leads to one of two things: the meeting will either be longer than anticipated, or you won’t be able to cover everything. Either scenario is a bad one, so make sure you avoid the problem and start and finish on time.

Heather Rome, formerly of DAI, has considerable experience orchestrating meetings in many domestic and international locations.



Heather Rome, Formerly of DAI - Benefits of Traveling

Heather Rome, formerly of DAI, is an avid traveler who likes to explore other countries, regions, and cultures. During her career she has had the opportunity to travel to as many as four continents. If you also caught the travel bug, you might be pleased to know that traveling offers far more interesting benefits than you may think.

Heather Rome DAI

New Purpose

It might be a cliché, but traveling often gives you a new perspective, and sometimes even a new purpose. As you travel, you are exposed to new stimuli; you also often meet new people and experience different cultures in a way that would be impossible to fully experience through studying or reading. By being physically there, you open yourself to new possibilities, and that’s often only the beginning.

You Gain Appreciation for Yourself

When you are away from home, you often come to appreciate its attributes and surroundings more than you did before. When you visit a new place you may also gain a greater appreciation for your personal strengths, choices and decisions.

You Realize How Little You Knew

Lexical knowledge is a great thing, but while you are traveling, you use all five of your senses and often realize how little you actually know about a region. Through new experiences, the world can be a very different place compared to the picture that’s in your mind.

Heather Rome, formerly of DAI, enjoys traveling for a variety of reasons, including relaxation, but also for personal edification and a broadening of horizons.



Heather Rome, Formerly of DAI - Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle in the Corporate World

Heather Rome, who has global experience with Development Alternatives Incorporated (DAI) and beyond, knows just how hard it can be to balance a healthy lifestyle while working in the corporate world. This busy lifestyle often comes with considerable challenges, including long working hours and inconsistent travel schedules, along with what is quite possibly the biggest challenge of them all; stress management. While it is not impossible to follow a dietary and exercising regimen while working in an intense environment, it does require careful planning.

Heather Rome DAI


Diet is one of the biggest factors in living and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. With an inconsistent schedule, it is very important to have healthy food alternatives available in the office. Maintaining a personal drawer or shelf filled with quick protein based nutrition is essential. If you are even more serious about living healthy while meeting with success in the corporate world, packing your lunch and avoiding coffee are some of the most important things that you can do on a daily basis. Instead of caffeine and sugar, aim for herbal teas and fruit.


In order to maintain a healthy body, having a gym membership is beneficial. A membership with a daily class schedule and group workouts is more motivating than the idea of home exercising. When you have a membership at a gym, it means that you have already made a financial commitment, which adds another important incentive for you to exercise. Hiring a professional who can help train with you is also an additional motivating factor.

Heather Rome DAI, with international DAI experience, is an avid health enthusiast who encourages others to also follow a healthy diet and lifestyle.



Heather Rome, Formerly of DAI - Strategies for Emerging Markets

Heather Rome, formerly of DAI, has experience developing and implementing global market development strategies. In major projects that have global implications, it’s often difficult to find the right solutions. In an environment where cultural and religious factors may clash, it is sometimes even more difficult to succeed. Those who do meet with success often possess a clear understanding of local political and social systems, as well as knowledge of what the open market opportunities really entail.

Heather Rome DAI

Political and Social Systems

Every country’s political system influences its products and capital markets. In China, for example, free trade unions are banned. The social environment is just as crucial. In South Africa, the country’s social policies shape the daily marketplace. It’s very important to know and understand these political and social factors, as they largely influence the potential strategies needed for successful implementation in emerging markets.

Open Economies

Chief executives often mention the need for open economies, but the reality is that the concept is not that straightforward. India and China are great examples. The former is considered to be a closed market, mostly because the Indian government rarely accepts multinationals into their midst. At the same time, China welcomes foreign investors. The differences may appear to be obvious, but a deeper look reveals how things really stand. The reality is that India is willing to receive Western ideas in line with its economic and democratic principles, whereas Chinese politics place larger limits on the practices of Western economic strategies.

As Heather Rome DAI, formerly of DAI, has experienced, the above factors are important to consider because they shape global markets.

Sources: https://hbr.org/2005/06/strategies-that-fit-emerging-markets

Heather Rome, Formerly of DAI - Top Careers for  International  Travel 

Heather Rome is a successful businesswoman who has worked with a number of organizations, such as Development Alternatives Inc. (DAI), that have allowed her to traverse the world. She often serves as a Project Manager, Director, or Team Leader, and doing so has required her to visit more than two dozen countries around the globe.

Heather Rome DAI

You don’t have to follow Heather Rome’s exact footsteps or work with global companies like DAI to find a job that allows you to travel. Careers such as those below are also viable options:

English Teacher – Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) allows you to find employment almost anywhere in the world. You’ll need a Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA) in most cases, and often a college education, to find regular employment.

Interpreter – Work as an interpreter or translator is readily available to those who are fluent in two or more languages.  A linguistic skill set is key, but if you have what it takes, job opportunities range from political meetings to entertainment conventions with a wide variety of positions in between.

Photographer – Professionals with an eye for photography can travel to some of the world’s most beautiful areas, sometimes working on commission. Though the income may not always be predictable, many photojournalists are able to earn a living capturing what they see through their lens.

Mingling with businesspeople such as Heather Rome DAI, who have held positions with companies similar to DAI, is yet another option for those looking for international opportunities, as a varied network can be invaluable when searching for global career positions located around the world.

Heather Rome, Formerly of DAI - Preparing For Your First International Business Trip

Heather Rome, a global project manager and seasoned international businesswoman, has years of experience working with companies including DAI (Development Alternatives Inc.). Though Rome is now a seasoned world traveler, many professionals may be new to the experience and seeking information on how to prepare to leave the country while continuing to conduct business at maximum efficiency.

Heather Rome DAI

Following tips like those below may help you prepare for your first international business trip, move one step closer to being a globe-trotting professional like Heather Rome, and/or work with international organizations like DAI at various locations across the globe.

  • Make an Itinerary – A well-thought itinerary of daily activities will help you keep in mind what you need to accomplish on your business trip. Make your itinerary with marked priorities and allow plenty of space to move comfortably through your days, making sure that your schedule accounts for unexpected delays or opportunities.
  • Study the Culture – Spend time studying the area to which you are traveling until you know the basic history and etiquette of the culture. This will help you make better impressions, maintain diplomacy and avoid embarrassing blunders. Also take some time to brush up on some basic language skills.

Some cultures might surprise you with their protocols; for example, did you know that the standard workweek days vary around the world? These are things that are important to read and know before beginning your travels.

If you know someone who has worked with international organizations like DAI, such as Heather Rome, don’t hesitate to ask him or her for additional advice to help you prepare for your travels. Personalized information and anecdotes can prove helpful in preparing for success.

Heather Rome, Formerly of DAI - Packing Light for  International Travel  

Heather Rome has worked with large international companies such as DAI (Development Alternatives Inc.) and during her time as a global businesswoman, she has worked in, traveled to or lived in dozens of countries. International businesspeople like Rome often value the ability to pack light so that their trips are easier to manage with less room for lost baggage.

Heather Rome DAI

Whether you’re embarking on your first trip out of the country for a vacation or, like Heather Rome, you work with organizations as global as DAI and others that make world travel a must, learning to pack light can make your international travels more enjoyable. The tips below can help you have better experiences with less baggage:

Pick the Bag(s) First – After examining your airline’s baggage policies, you can decide how many bags you want to bring. By choosing your bags before you pack, you place a limit on yourself that cannot be exceeded.

Pack Densely – Arrange your clothes and items to be tightly packed so that they take up less room. Rolled clothes, for example, are smaller than folded clothes, and they can be rolled with items like toothbrushes in the center. If you think in terms of density, it’ll be easier to stop yourself from crumpling something into the corner of your bag at the last minute.

Follow the Rule of Threes – The rule of three refers to bringing three of each item you need; three dress shirts or three pairs of socks, for example. If you pack three of each item you need, you can wear one, have one ready to wear, and one in the wash/dry cleaner at all times. The more versatile the clothing pieces, the better the rule’s functionality.

Avoid the “What If” Game – If you play the “what if” game while you pack, you’re liable to bring half of your belongings to prepare for the off chances that you may need them. Doing this will thwart your efforts to pack light. Assume that anything other than ordinary needs can be handled at your destination.

Value Items by Their Functions – The more functions an item offers you, the higher priority you should place it on your packing list. For example, a neutral-colored t-shirt can go under a business suit and a business-casual outfit or a basic top to wear out for a night on the town. Likewise, a sarong can serve as a blanket for the beach, a swimsuit cover-up, a towel, a privacy barrier and even a quick bag, if needed.

The above guidelines aren’t the only secrets that pros like Heather Rome DAI use when they travel for companies such as DAI, but they’re a good place to start. If you travel frequently, you will likely develop personal strategies for keeping your baggage to a minimum.

Heather Rome, Formerly of DAI - Perks of Plants in the Workplace

Heather Rome, previously project manager with DAI (Development Alternatives Inc.), is an international businesswoman with decades of experience. After spending years in various workplaces, most businesspeople begin to notice things that improve the professional environment in general. One such addition often noted by seasoned pros is plant life.

Heather Rome DAI

Experienced businesspeople like Heather Rome often keep plants on their desks and around their office, whether working with an international company like DAI or something smaller. This isn’t a coincidence. Generally, these professionals consciously or unconsciously notice the perks of keeping plants in the workplace, and they often prioritize them with the same importance of proper ergonomic setups.

If you don’t have any green in your workplace, consider bringing in a live plant or two so that you can benefit from perks such as those outlined below:

  • Better Air Quality – Live plants have long been used by NASA scientists to improve indoor air quality, but you don’t need to be in a space station to reap the benefits. Adding a few live plants to your space can boost office wellness by eliminating VOCs (volatile organic compounds) from the air, reducing eye, lung and skin irritation and increasing overall wellbeing.
  • Less Stress – Live plants in an indoor space have been shown to reduce stress, lower blood pressure and decrease heart rate when compared to spaces without plants. Live plants can also speed stress recovery time, which can make working in a busy environment easier to handle. Even a single plant in your office could make it easier to manage stressful days.
  • Increased Productivity – Caring for a live plant is a relaxing way to take a scheduled break during the workday, and because it may also reduce stress, it can increase focus. Workplace productivity might also rise as much as twelve-percent with the addition of live plants, according to findings published in the “Journal of Environmental Horticulture.”
  • Improved Comfort – Many offices have a low interior humidity, often falling below the recommended thirty-percent minimum for comfort. Live plants in a room can increase the humidity by a significant, but not an excessive, amount. Pairing increased interior humidity with stress-reduction and improved air quality, it’s no wonder that employees typically feel more comfortable in an office with live plants.
  • More Mindfulness – A live plant can improve your mind as well as your body by helping you to maintain positive thoughts throughout the day. Whatever plants represent to you, whether it’s an eco-friendly lifestyle or a Zen mindset, having them nearby can be beneficial.

If you work with an international organization like DAI, as Heather Rome DAI did, consider speaking with management about adding live plants to the workplace as a whole, instead of just your personal office space. This will help bring the above mentioned benefits to the entire building, potentially improving the daily professional experience of your peers and, as a bonus, adding to the office’s aesthetic appeal.

Source: http://cahnrs.wsu.edu/news-release/1996/08/22/indoor-plants-may-increase-worker-productivity/

Former DAI Professional  Heather Rome on Fighting  Jet Lag

Jet lag is a condition that former Development Alternatives Inc. (DAI) professional Heather Rome has experienced at many points throughout her varied career. Rome has traveled around the world, visited dozens of countries, and experienced her fair share of jet lag. Here are a few tips that will help other business professionals in coping with jet lag.

  • Jet lag occurs when a person who is traveling crosses one or more time zones. This change in time and routine causes the body to have to adjust to the new setting. The more time zones a traveler crosses, the harder the jet lag is to overcome.
  • Jet lag will affect all aspects of a person's sleeping cycle. It can make travelers excessively tired during the day and unable to sleep at night. Dealing with jet lag is especially important for business travelers, as they need to be as rested and alert as possible while conducting their business dealings.
  • Business travelers who have knowledge of their impending trip should try to adjust to the new time zone before leaving embarking on their travels. This may mean staying up later at night and sleeping in longer for a few days. Adjusting before travel is the easiest way to ensure a person is rested and refreshed while abroad.
  • As the body adjusts to the new time zone, it is important to stay hydrated. Formerly of DAI, Heather Rome DAI makes sure to drink plenty of water when she travels internationally for business or leisure.

Former DAI Professional Heather Rome on South American Business

While Heather Rome was working with Development Alternatives Inc. (DAI), she was presented with many cultural variations between the United States and the international community. Having spent time living and working in South America, she also witnessed the similarities and differences in business interactions from country to country. Brazil is a South American country with a large business industry that attracts many international professionals. When traveling to Brazil to conduct business, the following items are advisable.

Heather Rome DAI

  • A person's appearance is very important in Brazil, especially in the business setting. A business person who is entering the country should expect to be partially evaluated on their professional attire and the way they present themselves. Showing a well-dressed appearance is part of professionalism in the country.
  • There are specific standards for initial meetings in Brazil, specifically when it comes to giving business cards to others. Upon a first introduction, it is appropriate to give a business card to all individuals in the room. To show the most respect possible, it is advisable to have special business cards printed that are double sided with your language on one side and the Portuguese translation on the reverse side. Distribute them with the Portuguese side face-up. Brazilian business professionals take this as a great sign of respect and courtesy.
  • While appearance standards are strict, meetings are usually more informal than one may be accustomed to, oftentimes with many people vying to speak at once. Previously of DAI, Heather Rome has much experience in South American Business interactions.

Former DAI Professional Heather Rome and Business Trip Packing

As an international business woman who has traveled on behalf of many organizations, including Development Alternatives Inc. (DAI), Heather Rome is well versed in packing for business travel. For anyone who travels for business, domestically or internationally, packing the right items and the correct fashion is important. The following tips will assist other international business professionals with their packing dilemmas.

Heather Rome DAI

  • Business trips can last for varying lengths of time and the number of days a person expects to be out of town will play a part in their packing needs. No matter if the trip is two days or twelve, the business professional will want to look as polished as possible while away. On the same note, most airlines have very strict rules when it comes to luggage and carry-on baggage and it is best to be organized when packing the right amount of work-appropriate clothing into a smaller suitcase.
  • All business travelers should also plan ahead for their packing needs. The time of year a person is traveling is just as important as where they are going. Some countries require a different set of standards in regard to the proper dress code. The weather during the season of the trip will also play a large role in deciding what to pack. Dressing conservatively is always a wise choice for both men and women in the business arena.
  • Using a carry-on bag is the best choice, as it negates the chance for lost luggage. Former DAI professional Heather Rome DAI is an experienced packer.

 Heather Rome, Formerly of DAI, and the Ergonomic Office

Former Development Alternatives Inc. (DAI) professional, Heather Rome, promotes working in an ergonomically designed office space. The concept of ergonomics is simple in that the goal is to allow an employee to work in an environment that is designed to promote comfort and efficiency. When these two items are made the focus of the office design and layout, the person's productivity is higher. Here are the top tips for setting up an ergonomic office space.

Many office workers, especially those who spend a good deal of time on a computer, can become physically fatigued if their body is not supported correctly during their routine tasks. Keeping the arms supported is crucial to proper ergonomics. When the arms are not supported by a desk or table at the correct height, strain is placed on the muscles of the arms, back, and neck. That muscle pain can lead to poor work efficiency.

A well designed chair that works with the desk or other workspace is also important. These two pieces of furniture should allow the individual to maintain a comfortable position that keeps the spine in alignment. If the employee needs to crane their head and neck too far in one direction, discomfort may quickly follow. This is commonly reported by many people who work on a laptop or portable electronic device without a proper desk and chair.

Heather Rome DAI

While it may look nicer to have a computer monitor set off to one side of the desk or angled on a corner, ergonomics may not support that decision. All viewing monitors should remain directly in front of the employee. The height of the monitor is also important, with the center of the device no higher than eye level. If the employee is forced to turn their head or strain hundreds of times per day to read their screen, neck problems may occur.

Ergonomics will also consider the toll the human eyes take from looking at a computer screen. When possible, a monitor should be placed in an area that does not allow for glare. A screen that is too close to the eyes or is in front of a window will be harder to see and may cause issues for the eyes that may lead to headaches and decreased performance.

The height of an employee's chair is crucial to proper ergonomics. Their feet should never be allowed to hang from the chair, and instead should rest comfortably on the ground to support the legs and lower back. Former DAI professional, Heather Rome DAI, strives to make sure her office workspaces are ergonomically correct.

Heather Rome, Formerly of DAI - Advancing Your Career

Heather Rome, formerly of DAI (Development Alternatives Inc.), is a successful international professional who has advanced in her career through consistent demonstration of academic and business excellence. Many aspire to advance in their careers as Heather Rome has, but falsely assume that they must work within large companies like DAI to do so. In truth, anyone can adapt and apply a similar approach to advancing his or her career in any chosen field. Methods like those below, for example, can help individuals in generally all professional fields:

Heather Rome DAI

Define Your Goals – When you define your career goals and your career mission, you can use them as a philosophy to guide your professional actions. Spend time considering how you wish to shape your career and then use those goals to guide each professional action you take. The sure behavior of a driven individual often sparks advancement and respect.

Vocalize Your Goals – Once you have decided upon your goals, identify the appropriate time and setting in which to vocalize them to your supervisors. This can allow for valuable feedback as well as proper alignment with corporate goals and departments.

Lead a Balanced Life – Balancing your life ensures that you consistently present your best side in your chosen professional setting. This is best achieved by taking time to equally care for your health, your loved ones and your career on a daily basis. A demonstrated ability to balance your life showcases time management skills and can inspire your superiors to trust you with larger responsibilities.

Professionals like Heather Rome DAI advanced in DAI and other firms by implementing tactics similar to those listed above. By utilizing these tactics, you too may also more rapidly advance in your professional career.

Heather Rome, Formerly of DAI - How Positivity Can Improve Your Career

Heather Rome, formerly of DAI (Development Alternatives Inc.), is a business professional who manages comprehensive responsibilities in each of her business roles. Her positive attitude is beyond standard in comparison to other busy professionals, but Heather Rome has seen how her mindset has helped her to advance in companies like DAI. If you start applying positivity to your own professional mindset, you might notice some of the following changes:

Heather Rome DAI

  • You’ll Become a Role Model – When you demonstrate positivity in the workplace, you become a role model to your peers. Positive behavior makes you someone to watch and admire, as well as someone to learn from. For example, when a peer is grouchy at work, they might see your positivity and strive to be more upbeat despite of his or her bad day.
  • You’ll Pave the Way to Success – A positive influence in the workplace is noticed and, often, that person has a greater chance to more rapidly advance to a higher position. Rather than paving the way to success with ruthless tactics that eliminate competition, positive people reach success in a more collaborative manner that builds a better reputation and produces greater levels of accomplishment.
  • You’ll Brush Off Negativity – Regardless of how positive you are in the workplace, chances are that you will face negative people or situations from time to time. Positivity will help you to more rapidly brush aside these negative occurrences.

Heather Rome, formerly of DAI, and similar professionals apply positivity to their lives for many reasons in addition to the ones listed above. As you become more positive in your own work life and enjoy the benefits listed above, you will also begin to see additional benefits in your personal life.

Heather Rome, Formerly of DAI - Healthy Office Snack Ideas

Heather Rome, formerly of DAI (Development Alternatives Inc.), is an international professional who has led a busy life since she began her career. While working for companies such as DAI, Heather Rome has always made time for maintaining healthy habits. Eating a healthy diet can help you also maintain healthy habits, reduce your risk of illness, and focus more clearly on your work. If you don’t know where to start, try replacing your usual office snacks with foods like these:

Heather Rome DAI

  • Chopped Produce – The produce section of your grocery store has everything you need to make healthy office snacks with enough variety for each day of the week. Apples, oranges, grapefruits, carrots, bell peppers, celery, mushrooms and berries are just some of the many options available to you. Purchase your favorite fresh fruits and vegetables, wash and chop them at home and then take baggies of them to work as convenient snacks.
  • Quick Proteins– Protein-rich snacks like dairy cheese and lunch meats are ideal when you crave savory, filling foods throughout the day. Stock your home pantry with pure roast beef, thinly-sliced turkey, dairy cheese, and any other deli items that you enjoy, and then bring a few servings with you to work in an insulated container. If you keep whole-grain bread in your office refrigerator, these proteins can also allow you to make healthy lunches when you need more than a light snack.
  • Popcorn – Even if popcorn makes you think of butter-soaked movie theater food, it can serve as a healthful office snack. Purchase a light, microwavable variety that you can make at work when a craving strikes. Popcorn is often the perfect way to keep your snacking in check when you need to ignore candy dishes and other workplace temptations. As a bonus, a bowl of popcorn is an easily-shared meeting snack to offer to coworkers.
  • Yogurt – If your office has a refrigerator for public use, stock it with single-serve yogurts that you can snack on throughout the day. You can purchase a variety of yogurt flavors so that you don’t get bored and keep ingredients like granola and berries on hand to use as toppings. The combination of dairy protein, carbohydrates and fat in yogurt can make it a filling option to get you through the day. Plus, if you suffer from sweet cravings, yogurt can help you say no to candy, donuts or other sugary snacks.

Professionals like Heather Rome DAI, formerly of DAI, use healthy snacks as a way to fuel up during busy days without ruining their healthy habits. By keeping snacks like these in your office or with you in a briefcase, you’ll be able to do the same with your own daily snacks and, in time, see positive changes in your health as a result.

 10,000 Villages Organization Supported by Heather Rome, Erstwhile Project Director of Operations for DAI

Nearly two decades of business experiences, some with Development Alternatives Incorporated (DAI), has familiarized Heather Rome DAI with some of the many businesses and organizations that are making a difference in global regions of social and economic development. One such social group is the 10,000 Villages nonprofit, fair trade organization. Established in 1946, 10,000 Villages markets handcrafted items and art pieces from thirty-five countries. Within these thirty-five countries, one hundred twenty artisan groups are represented.

 Heather Rome DAI

The goal of 10,000 Villages is to provide a daily platform for these artisans to sell their artisan pieces at a fair price, while giving global consumers the opportunity to experience and purchase these amazing crafts. Headquartered in Akron, Pennsylvania, 10,000 Villages creates a supply chain for a wide variety of internationally crafted items. Buyers will discover home décor, personal accessories, tableware, jewelry, personal care products, clothing, and hand woven basket work. Other offerings include garden and planting accessories, stationary, musical instruments, and toys and games. One of the most popular categories offered through 10,000 Villages is the festive décor and nativity items.

10,000 Villages has had a significant impact on many nations and their residents. They were a founding member of the International Fair Trade Association. 10,000 Villages is also a certified member of the well-respected Fair Trade Federation, and a partner of the Mennonite Central Committee. After gaining global experience at DAI and beyond, Heather Rome appreciates the social and economic contributions that 10,000 Villages accomplishes around the world and the advantages that they bring to many participating populations.

On Thoughts Regarding Corporate Social Responsibility, Erstwhile DAI Project Director of Operations, Professional Heather Rome

Working in multiple industries and alongside industry professionals including Development Alternatives Incorporated (DAI), Heather Rome has been introduced to many different businesses types, from the small scale mom and pop style establishments to the largest retailers and conglomerates in the world. During her professional tenure, she has seen the importance of corporate social responsibility, and its possible role in all endeavors across the globe. In its most basic form, corporate social responsibility is the term given to the practice of social contribution. Not only is this action beneficial to the services and people who are receiving the support, but also to the corporate institution giving the support.

Heather Rome DAI

Consider the world of entertainment as an example. When high status celebrities donate their time and money to philanthropic endeavors, they are better recognized and earn greater respect. This same philosophy rings true for corporations. Though offering unique deals or funny commercial advertisements may earn them occasional business, it is their ability and willingness to give back to the community at large that earns them lifelong customers.

There are many ways an institution can realize corporate social responsibility. They can choose to focus on environmental efforts, such as streamlining their productions to leave a smaller carbon footprint or by overhauling their existing procedures to be more sustainable. Former DAI project director Heather Rome knows that any business could choose to donate a portion of their collective time or expertise to local and national establishments, and become a more widely known and esteemed organization in the process.

On Discussion of Emerging Market Economies, Long Time International Professional with DAI and USAID Experience, Heather Rome

Heather Rome DAI is privileged to be of the small percentage of professionals who understand emerging markets, in part due to her work with Development Alternatives Incorporated (DAI). While traveling to nearly every continent, and many countries, for her business ventures, she has become knowledgeable about the economics and politics related to emerging markets. An emerging market is the term given to a country that has not yet developed into an advanced economy, but is clearly on its way. For a country to be considered as an emerging market economy, it must demonstrate certain characteristics. These include the establishment of banks, a stock exchange program of their own that is regulated, and a currency system that is unified. These countries must also be open to global trade and accepting of outside public and private investors.

Heather Rome DAI

In the current global climate, nearly eighty percent of the world's population has been deemed an emerging market economy. Some of the most well recognized and largest of these are China, India, Brazil, and Russia. Other nations showing this prospect are Mexico, Peru, Turkey, and the Czech Republic. Heather Rome observed while working for DAI that investing in these emerging market economies can be very rewarding, though sometimes risky. While these economies have a higher growth potential over their already developed competitors and are often ripe for rapid market growth, they are also often in need of additional structural reform. Additionally, these countries are home to millions of people who must adapt to the process of economic growth and increased access to the global market.

On Sustainable Global Development, Long Time International Professional Heather Rome, formerly of DAI 

Living in a world where more than one and a half billion people live under the poverty line, it can be difficult to decrease levels of poverty and increase the distribution of economic income. There can also be many roadblocks associated with implementing sustainable global development, according to Heather Rome, formerly of Development Alternatives Incorporated (DAI). While humanitarian aid and disaster relief are meant to deliver short-term assistance in times of unforeseen emergencies and catastrophic natural disasters, global development is aimed at delivering long-term and sustainable economic solutions for income generation and stabilization.  
Heather Rome DAI
Some of the development challenges faced by the underdeveloped nations in our world include internal political conflict or a close proximity to warring external nations. Other nations must compensate for limited natural resources, geographic barriers, or climate challenges. A variety of statistics are often reviewed to categorize the level of global development need, including the gross domestic product of a nation, the average per-capita income, literacy rates, and infant mortality rates.  Existing information on population growth, such as life expectancy, human rights and political freedoms, are also evaluated. Studies show that successful global development is not only a matter of creating sustainable economic solutions, but also implementing them in accordance with the area’s cultural and social norms.  

Heather Rome saw firsthand, through her global work with DAI, some of the daily challenges faced by underdeveloped nations and their populations.  Her efforts, initiatives, and compassion to help provide opportunities, innovative solutions, and a higher quality of life in the global arena have earned much respect and renown throughout the development and business communities.

Heather Rome, Previously of Development Alternatives Inc. (DAI): Why Pack Light?

Traveling abroad is nothing new for seasoned international professionals like Heather Rome, previously of Development Alternatives Inc. (DAI). One of the most common tips that experienced travelers have is to pack light. Whether traveling for business or vacation, packing light makes international travel flow more smoothly.  Some of the most common benefits are listed below:

Packing light is less expensive. Modern airlines charge excess baggage fees, and the less you pack, the less likely you will have to pay these excess fees.  Check with your airline to determine what they consider excess baggage and pack accordingly.

Packing light saves time. If you can fit everything into a carry-on, you will avoid time spent in luggage lines, baggage claim, and customs. This also greatly reduces the risk of lost luggage.

Packing light makes the return trip easier. When you are ready to come home, it will be easier to re-pack your minimal inventory. Dealing with stuffed, messy luggage is not the way to start a stress-free return trip.

Packing light allows you to bring home souvenirs, as you will inevitably see a few things you would like to buy when exploring a new environment.  If you pack light, this will not be a problem. One trick that experienced travelers use is to pack an empty suitcase in their outbound carry-on, fill the suitcase with souvenirs, and check it as luggage on the way home.

Heather Rome DAI traveled to the Americas, Africa, Asia, and Eastern Europe during her time with DAI. After traveling to even half of the countries that Rome has, you will figure out exactly how light you can pack and still travel comfortably.

Heather Rome, Previously of Development Alternatives Inc. (DAI) - Benefits of Learning Languages

Heather Rome traveled professionally for Development Alternatives Inc (DAI) and is fluent in both Spanish and English. With more than 7,000 languages worldwide, learning a second language offers multiple benefits. Some of the benefits you receive include:

Heather Rome DAI

  • Improved career outlook. Modern businesses are globally-focused, and studies have found that companies are more likely to pay bilingual employees a higher salary. Searching for jobs as a bilingual applicant is often much more fruitful, especially if you look for companies that currently have or plan to expand their operations internationally.
  • Increased brain health. Medical studies have found that people who learn at least one different language have healthier brains, better memories and a lower risk for dementia and Alzheimer’s disease than those who do not.
  • Travel opportunities. Learning a language opens doors for travel and leisure. If you know the language of the country that you wish to visit, you can more easily conduct business. Speaking the language can also contribute to a more enjoyable experience, and pave the way for opportunities to more readily converse with acquaintances and learn unique insights about local sites and adventures.
  • Self-accomplishment. Learning a new language is an achievement that many will respect and admire. It is a useful tool with the benefits of lifelong application. Additionally, once you have accomplished learning a second language, you may choose to learn a third or fourth language.

Heather Rome enjoyed her travel experiences with Development Alternatives, Inc (DAI) and applies her bilingual skills in both professional and personal settings whenever possible.

Heather Rome, Previously of Development Alternatives Inc. (DAI) - MBA

Heather Rome is an executive leader with more than ten years of experience, including several years with Development Alternatives, Inc. (DAI). To complement her stellar professional record of accomplishment, Rome also holds several academic degrees, including an MBA.

Heather Rome DAI

When working towards earning an MBA you will first be evaluated through the university’s application process. This process will review your academic record and require you to provide transcripts from every institution attended. When preparing your resume to accompany your application, remember to include your professional responsibilities, accomplishments, and relevant expertise.

You will also need to take the graduate management admission test (GMAT), and universities will require you to write an essay demonstrating your communication skills, career goals, and leadership experience. Lastly, you will need to identify a manager who can fully endorse your professional performance and growth potential in the requisite letter of recommendation.

Most MBA programs have a core curriculum, with subjects such as accounting, economics, marketing, and operations. There are also usually elective courses available so students can follow their own personal or professional interests. For example, if you have aspirations to engage in international business, look for a global MBA program, and choose a school that allows for global experiences.

One of the best experiences you could have is an opportunity to work directly with global organizations. Expect to learn about their history, challenges and future goals. You may even have the opportunity to travel abroad to help develop business solutions and gain experience working in an international environment.

Heather Rome DAI is an international professional who has worked with several international organizations, including DAI, in a variety of management roles and holds an MBA from a top tier business school.

Heather Rome, Previously of Development Alternatives Inc. (DAI) - Lighting in the Workplace

Heather Rome is a practiced business professional with exceptional experience at Development Alternatives Inc. (DAI).  In her years as a businessperson, Rome has experienced varied office environments. Workplaces like those that Heather Rome worked in while with DAI demonstrated that improved ergonomics often lead to increased employee satisfaction. Ergonomic lighting, for example, has been shown to positively impact workplace performance. The higher the illuminance, the greater the efficiency employees typically demonstrate in completing both complex and simple tasks.
Heather Rome DAI
The correct level of lighting can help decrease levels of tiredness, reduce employee stress, and improve overall concentration. Illuminance of between 750 Lux and 1,000 Lux is ideal for both elderly and young employees. Combining light sources to meet lighting requirements can further improve mood, productivity and energy of employees. Natural lighting quality, direct lighting and appropriate luminance lighting typically create a productive combination.

Whether you are designing lighting ergonomics for the workplace or a home office, working near a natural light source helps improve productivity. Additionally, a balance of both direct and indirect lights that are flicker-free and silent will reduce distractions and stress. If possible, the intensity of light in each room, from each source, should be adjustable to suit employee preference.

If you are working in an office with poor lighting and you are not in a position to rework the situation, consider adding a lamp to help illuminate your space. For situations when this is not possible, speaking to management about lighting ergonomics might inspire a deeper analysis.  Through her work for DAI and other businesses, Heather Rome is aware of the benefits of lighting ergonomics.

Heather Rome, Formerly of DAI - Creating the Perfect Workspace

While a lot of people focus on ensuring that their office workplace is clean and tidy, many people fail to apply the same principles to their workspace outside of the office. During the course of her tenure with DAI, Heather Rome often found herself working away from the office and she has developed the following tips for ensuring that your out-of-office setup mirrors the one that you would find in the office.

Heather Rome DAI

No Distractions

Try to eliminate any distractions for the area where you setup your workspace. Remove or turn off televisions, books and anything else that could pull your eye away from work. If possible, keep those things in a separate room and only access them when you have completed your work.


A little bit of plant life can do a lot to make your workspace feel comfortable. Consider working near a few potted plants or a window. Plants produce clean air, which may lead to heightened workplace productivity. Numerous studies have shown this to be true, as workspaces with green plants displayed higher rates of work speed, efficiency and task completion.

A Good Chair

Be sure to choose an ergonomic chair that can be adjusted to fit your workspace. It is important to avoid slouching at all costs, as slouching places more pressure on the vertebrae and discs in the back and can lead to unnecessary pain and discomfort.

Tidy Space

Keep your temporary workspace as tidy as possible. Not only will it lead to greater productivity, but it will also make it easier to pack up and move to the next location.

Heather Rome DAI is an experienced international traveler with professional experiences working for several global corporations, including Development Alternatives, Inc. (DAI), in various locations.

Heather Rome, Formerly of DAI - How Office Design Affects Productivity

Heather Rome understands that the area in which you work has a large impact on productivity. As such, office design is extremely important. This is something that she implemented while working with DAI and she has the following pointers for those who are looking to improve their workspace.

Heather Rome DAI


Poor lighting can lead to fatigue and health issues as well as lower the morale of employees, so it is important to install proper lighting. It is best to align the office to maximize natural lighting, while also providing a variety of light sources for spaces without windows.

Basic Ergonomics

Feeling uncomfortable while you work adversely affects levels of productivity. Make the necessary adjustments to your chair, desk and computer monitor so that you are as comfortable as possible when seated at your desk. Try to keep everything within easy reach, rather than in a position that requires you to strain your muscles.


While noise in the office is natural, it can be extremely distracting and difficult to avoid. Try to create some designated quiet areas where employees can retreat away from the general buzz of the office and allow them to better focus on their task at hand.


Maintain a clean desk free of unnecessary clutter. Dedicate a little time each evening to purge accumulated daily clutter and ready the desk for the next morning. Employers should also make an effort to keep the entire office space clean and clear.

Heather Rome has worked in many office locations for Development Alternatives Inc. (DAI) and appreciates the many advantages of a clutter-free environment.

Heather Rome, Formerly of DAI - Maintaining Balance

It is important to create a work-life balance, by setting aside time to unwind after work. When working with DAI, Heather Rome DAI found that the following techniques helped her to create balance and approach each new day with plenty of energy.


Exercising shouldn’t simply be seen as a way to stay fit, as it can also serve an extremely therapeutic purpose. Some light stretches, an intense workout, or a causal walk with friends can contribute to reduced levels of stress.


A lot of people view cooking as an additional chore after the workday, but if you take a little time to develop some favored recipes you may find that cooking can help you to relax. Turn on some favorite music, get your ingredients ready and look forward to creating a wonderfully nourishing meal.

Leave Work at Work

Before leaving work, review your accomplishments for the day and organize your tasks for the following day. Try to check your computer and phone as little as possible when enjoying down time, as by constantly checking your email and texts you may find that you create a constant state of mild stress.

Change Your Clothes

One of the simpler techniques to unwind after a busy day is to merely change your clothes. This will help you to shift mental gears and create a physical change between work and home that will allow you to better relax.

Heather Rome DAI holds an MBA degree and has worked in various management roles for several businesses, including Development Alternatives, Inc. (DAI).

Heather Rome, Formerly of DAI - Maximizing Office Productivity

Maximizing office efficiency is often one of the biggest issues that professionals face regarding productivity levels. There are a number of techniques that can be used to increase personal productivity levels and ensure you continue working at a high level.

Heather Rome DAI

Eat Often

Instead of waiting until your lunch break, eat a number of healthy snacks throughout the course of the day. By doing this you will keep your body constantly fueled, and avoid a mid-afternoon slump.

Don’t Slouch

Slouching at the desk puts a lot of strain on your body. Try to sit up straight and ensure that your computer monitor is adjusted to a level where you do not need to crane your neck. Also keep your feet flat on the floor and adjust your chair so that the monitor is at eye level.

Change Positions

If you feel that you are starting to get a little tired, stand up and do some quick exercises to adjust blood flow. If you have the freedom to do so, a small walk around the office can be refreshing. You can even use this time to complete any small tasks you need to do, such as delivering files or clearing your desk.

Vary Your Work

If possible, vary your tasks to increase overall productivity, and try to organize your workday so that you have plenty of variety between tasks to maintain an active train of thought.

Heather Rome DAI ( Development Alternatives, Inc) , is an experienced and knowledgeable professional.

Ergonomic Investment in the Office - Where to Put Your Money

As a growing small business, you should be interested in where you can invest to improve your market share, your efficiency, and your bottom line. One way to do this is to invest in an ergonomically centered office. This will reduce the risk of injury to your valuable employees. The first step in creating a safer work environment is to invest in the correct equipment. There are many companies that sell ergonomically efficient equipment such as desks, chairs, computer monitors, and more; all for growing businesses that want to make their workplace a safer environment.

Heather Rome DAI

As with anything involved in running a small business, ergonomically efficient workspaces are an investment. The equipment you need may not be cheap. Think of this expense not as an investment in your office, but as an investment in your employees, who provide your business with most of its value. Happy, healthy employees are more productive in the long term than employees who experience discomfort and injuries. The more you can reduce common office problems such as eye strain, back strain, and neck strain, the more prepared your business will be when it decides to expand and bring in more employees.

Heather Rome Development Alternatives Inc, has worked in international business and market development. She has brought many positive changes to the offices she has managed.

Succeeding in Emerging Markets

Businesses aim to grow and expand their market share through all viable channels. They must keep advancing, or risk being lapped by the competition, especially those with verticals in multiple markets. Some businesses choose to expand into emerging markets around the world to increase their global market share. Businesses do this because they desire the benefits of first mover advantage in potentially rich markets.  The key to succeeding in any market expansion is to get there first and establish the business as the best option for consumers. 

Heather Rome DAI

Having leaders in the organization who can communicate across cultural boundaries is key to this success as business norms may vary across borders.  Trained professionals familiar with  the cultural  communication norms of the local market unto which they are trying to grow could make all the difference. As businesses expand, they need professionals with  f international experience to work with people in all regions of the world to successfully accomplish the growth plans of the business.

Heather Rome,of Development Alternatives, Inc. (DAI), is an experienced business leader who has helped many clients establish themselves in new and emerging markets around the world. Rome has a strong background in international business, earning an MBA from Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business and another Master’s degree from Thunderbird School of International Business. Throughout her career, Rome has demonstrated excellent cross-cultural communication and business planning. 

Working Internationally

One of the best ways to be marketable internationally is to follow Heather Rome Development Alternatives Inc’s path of completing an MBA and a Master’s of Global Management. While with Development Alternatives, Inc (DAI) Rome worked in many different countries. Working abroad is a smart career move, and Forbe.com suggests these reasons why you should consider international employment:

  • You will learn to be adaptable. This is especially valid when it comes to working in a foreign environment where you will have to learn to adapt fast or be left behind. Once you return to your home environment, your skill to adapt will be honed to perfection.
  • International experience will set you apart from competition. Your resume will stand out because it will be different.
  • Being bilingual is extremely marketable these days and it has always been said that language immersion is the best way to learn quickly and effectively.
  • You network globally! Your foreign contact list will grow and expand, and in this increasingly globalized world, international contacts are highly advantageous.

Hopefully these suggestions will guide you when considering a decision to work internationally.

Maintaining Integrity - Crucial to Success

There is no doubt that Heather Rome is successful in her line of work. Formerly of Development Alternatives Inc. (DAI), Rome honed her skills as a Global Manager and has added to her resume the necessary experience on which she can build future success.

Even with Heather Rome Development Alternatives Inc diligence and business smarts, integrity is the foundation of her accomplishments. Integrity is essential for business, and essential for success; we all want success in business and as such, integrity can never be forgotten or treated as a side option.

Entrepreneur, Amy Anderson sums up these sentiments in one statement: “Success will come and go, but integrity is forever.” Of course we want success to remain with us, however, the nature of life is that nothing is certain and that even if one business or project fails, we still have our integrity, and it will remain for the next business or project that we take on.

Integrity can be described in many different ways, and can mean many different things to people in practice, however the one underlying theme is the presence of moral or ethical principles and honest practices.  Yes, there have been people who have succeeded and made it without integrity, however they have lost the ability to be trusted by their co-workers and people around them. They chose to go for the immediate profit over the long term benefit of having a network of individuals who they would trust and recommend.

In the simplest terms, and easy to read point form, integrity is important for business and especially as a leader because:

• As a leader with integrity, you will never compromise your honesty by cheating to get ahead.

• If you give your word, your co-workers and supervisors will trust that you will stick to your word. This makes for a more comfortable work environment.
• You are not afraid to see and accept the truth, because living in truth is your way of life. You will see your business for what it is, and be able to make changes and improvements as necessary.

• You will also be more willing to listen to co-workers or employees’ opinions on making changes in the work environment.

• One of the most, if not the most important, aspect of having integrity is the opportunity to lead by example.

This post was composed by academics from a leading area law school.

The Often Overlooked Benefits of Office Plants

There are many steps an office worker can take to maximize comfort, productivity and efficiency within their own personal workspace. Adding plants to one’s office, for instance, can be a great way to enhance the beauty, quality and productivity of the work environment, ultimately creating an atmosphere more conducive to higher levels of optimism, comfort and morale.

Some of the primary benefits of office plants are highlighted below.

Stress Reduction

A recent study demonstrated the potential for reduced office stress in the places where plants were located. Significant reductions in workplace tension, anxiety, hostility and even fatigue were found in areas with a greater abundance of plants.

Increased Productivity

The presence of office plants has been shown to have a correlation with heightened workplace productivity. Numerous studies have shown this to be true, as work environments with green plants displayed higher rates of work speed, efficiency and task completion.

 Noise and Absence Reduction

According to several studies, offices with a greater number of plants tend to be less noisy and to experience reduced rates in office sickness and absenteeism.

 Cleaner Air

Offices may often contain certain levels of dust and manmade toxins that can be greatly reduced via the presence of plant life distributed throughout the workspace. CO2 and dust levels tend to decrease greatly within indoor environments that contain an abundance of oxygen producing plants.

Heather Rome Development Alternatives Inc has worked in many office locations for Development Alternatives Inc. and   appreciates the many advantages of a plant-friendly environment.


Basic Photography Tips for Beginners

The increasing prevalence and accessibility of photo technology has transformed even the most inexperienced individual into a photography enthusiast. The convenience of mobile devices has encouraged the opportunity to capture a moment, setting or event without encumbrance or hesitation. Photography, however, remains a potentially powerful and inspirational art form, and in capable hands can lead to the creation of something truly memorable, impactful and profound.

There are a few photography basics every amateur photographer should consider when seeking to explore their hobby in more depth. These include:

Moving in Closer

It may sound obvious, but taking a few steps towards your subject can do wonders for overall picture quality. The simple act of moving closer helps to better frame the intent of your shot, giving the viewer a better understanding and appreciation of your photographic intent.

Being More Selective

It is hard for the viewer to see what you would like to showcase if something distracting makes its way into the shot. When preparing to take a photo, be sure to focus on your subject in a way that overlooks any undesirable distractions. Changing your position is often a great way to eliminate such problems.

Maximizing the Light

Light, whether natural or artificial, has the capability to make or break a photograph. Be sure to observe the source of the light, which way the shadows are falling, and how best to optimize them to bring out the most striking angle/shot of your subject.

Heather Rome is an international businesswoman whose has award winning photography has been published in the Development Alternatives Inc (DAI) Collection of Photography. She maintains a strong interest in photography.

Heather Rome, formerly of Development Alternatives Inc.(DAI)

The Culture of Education

Grasping the classroom curriculum of critical thinking, business acumen, and strategic management is the foundation of a solid education. However, there is more to education than simply taking classes – true education comes from real-life interactions and experiences.

If you choose the right school, you will instantly jive with the culture and be driven by a very small team with a diverse range of professional and cultural backgrounds. Your work on team projects will only help you to become a better manager, a stronger collaborator and a more efficient practitioner of modern business realities.

You must also be prepared to communicate and solve problems that span boundaries, languages and cultures anywhere in the world. Strive to gain greater experience in global matters by finding an opportunity to study abroad.

Heather Rome Development Alternatives Inc. holds an International MBA degree. She has worked for several international companies, including Development Alternatives, Inc. (DAI), with varying management roles.


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